How to Eat Harmony

Last week, the world witnessed the crowning of King Charles III. I wonder how many people know that he is a deep and progressive thinker with a life-long interest in organic food production and environmental sustainability. He has made vast contributions in these areas.

His book, “Harmony: A new way of looking at our world” is my all-time favorite book. I read this book when it was first published in 2010 and now I am re-reading it. Have you ever read a book that is so thought-provoking that you savor it like a bottle of fine wine? You read a few sentences or paragraphs and then pause for a moment or two to drink in the ideas and reflect upon them? This book is like that, slow going. Even though I read the book years ago, I have thought about it many, many times since then.

Why did this book have such an impact on me? The book explained the reason for sensations that I had for years but could not identify or understand. I have noticed that food not only has flavor, it has a “feel” too. I’m not referring here to the feel of texture, but as an intrinsic quality. Organically grown and humanely raised food definitely feels different than food that has been grown or raised in discordant conditions. This awareness adds a lovely layer of delight to the culinary experience. To know that someone else out there experiences organic food in the same way I do is such a relief to me. It’s always nice to be understood and validated.

Foods raised with agricultural practices that are in harmony with the earth undoubtedly carry a positive energetic charge. They just feel better to eat and they have a lovely subtle layer of sweetness. Food definitely has an aura. This unfurls a whole new spin on the idea of “soul food”. After all, food is life, so eating such vibrant food intensifies your whole sensory experience. Recently, I opened a jar of peanut butter that was utterly delicious and it resonated with my entire being. When I took another look at the jar, the label said “organic”. That’s just one example. I’ve experienced many other accidental “blind tastings”.

In my opinion and the king’s opinion too, the best food on the planet is grown or raised with practices that maintain the integrity and interconnectedness of the entire food chain – the microbes, plants, insects, fish, birds, animals, and people as well as the water, air, and soil on which we all depend.

This book is out-of-print but is available from Abe books and as an e-book from Amazon. If you read this book please let me know what you think about it.